EasyBroadcast for Education

Our pledge to educational institutions during COVID-19

EasyBroadcast is committed to help ensure continuity of education during the COVID-19 crisis. We are providing our end-to-end OTT streaming solution free of charge to schools, training organizations, and universities to reliably stream live lectures to students.
To receive our support, please email solidarite-coronavirus@easybroadcast.fr
#Open_Solidarity with OVH Cloud


Amplify Learning

Solution for Education

EasyBroadcast's end-to-end OTT streaming solution powers up the learning process. We take care of the technological complexities of event management, audience analytics, transcoding, and CDN, while letting you focus on what you do best: creating an impactful e-learning experience.

With our solution, educational institutions benefit from greater reach, offering learning experiences to a wider audience.

The EasyBroadcast solution lets you live stream lectures, speeches, sports events, and more within minutes of account creation.

Extend Reach and
improve communication

Deliver education anywhere and everywhere

Monitor All
Your Activity

Manage your events, including web conferences, speeches, and meetings


Improve your QoE with faster startup, less buffering, and reduced latency

Detailed Analytics

Monitor student activity through comprehensive real-time data


Manage your events and measure your audience

With EasyBroadcast, it is simple to manage web-conferences, speeches and events.

• With our content management system, you can instantly upload replay, e-learning, or any « watch later » content
• Manage publication templates
• Track viewing patterns with our audience dashboard
• Track bandwidth efficiency with our network performance dashboard
• Streamline platform monitoring, configuration, and setup


Enjoy full control over the entire streaming process with:
Local intranet streaming servers
Local software and support


EWe offer: SaaS business model with no hardware or software installation required
Cloud-based OTT streaming
Secure Multi-CDN


Communications are encrypted, ensuring the integrity of your content

flexible integration

Bring lectures and live events to everyone, online, without limitations

Our patented technology will save you up to 90% on video bandwidth costs. It also reduces congestion and improves latency, ensuring a flawless viewing experience for students, helping them better engage with the content.

EasyBroadcast helps you turn a large audience into an asset. Our hybrid solution combines standard client-server and Viewer-Assisted Delivery broadcasting models, where each computer acts as a distribution server as soon as it receives a piece of information. Viewers are selected intelligently via geolocation and QoS matching algorithms to optimize connections.

Streaming with EasyBroadcast

Other solutions


"La facilité de prise en main du service et la réactivité de votre équipe pour s'adapter rapidement à nos besoins sont deux atouts importants compte tenu du contexte actuel et de notre nécessité de services en distanciel dans notre réseau d'écoles d'ingénieurs."

Melinda Bouquerel, Directrice de la Fondation partenariale Polytech - Réseau Polytech

You want to learn more about our solutions and services? Try them out!

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